本帖最後由 aklimakhatun786 於 2024-1-1 18:17 編輯
David Eagles, director of the Center for Presidential Transitions, described the transitions as being like an epic corporate acquisition but where the newly formed company failed to do its due diligence, resulting in two senior employees resigning on the same day. and no matter how much government agencies plan, a presidential transition will be a test of endurance, fraught with challenges and complexities. Even if a presidential transition descends into chaos, it's possible to reduce the negative impact on your agency, your team, and yourself. The most important thing is to stay.
positive and keep an open mind. Encourage transparency at all levels of the team and support a culture rich in constructive communication. Don’t let daily drama distract you from your career or the important work of your agency. Snubbed Institutional philippines photo editor Memory An animated scene from the movie Finding Nemo where the fish character Dory says I don’t want to forget whether you are outgoing or part of an incoming team Institutional memory is a critical part of any successful transition whether presidential or otherwise.
To the extent that institutional memory is preserved through careful records management this must follow the specific requirements of most institutions. Another component of institutional memory is the people who work in the organization. If you are a new employee reach out to current and former employees to learn about their experiences and learn from them. If you have extensive experience working in the day-to-day administration of government, what U.S. Department of Labor Under Secretary Luke Reese calls the career workforce, please share your knowledge.