This is a notable book in the marketing world because it was the first documentation of processes such as split testing, loyalty programs, and coupon-based tracking. The overall summary of the book is that it goes over how to approach advertising through testing and measuring. 2. Breakthrough Advertising Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz book cover Breakthrough Advertising.
One of the best books on marketing probably the most influential one in this list. Written by award winning copywriter Eugene M. Schwartz, the book was first published in 1966. Many founders and marketers phone number list have attributed this book to helping them make millions. And although the book is technically in the “copywriter” category of marketing books, it talks a lot about the state of awareness customers.
Through and how you should structure your messaging in your marketing efforts. The book feels more like a dictionary, rather than one you read from beginning to end. I’ve found it to be a bit heavy of a read at times, mainly because I constantly want to put the book down to take notes. It is a bit on the pricer side if you try to purchase this book on Amazon, but it is cheaper if you purchase it directly through the books website.